The other day I attempted my 3rd try at making brisket. It turned out good.. but not good enough. Until its up there in my taste buds, I'll keep doing it until I get it right!!
---A quick snack or served with rice.
I love the boyfriends mom for always teaching me how to cook. She knows I enjoy and she loves to teach. Very precise. The only thing I need to practice on is taste. Its not all about the ingredients, its about knowing the taste to make it right.
So here's my attempt to make some Riblets. Delish' I tell ya.

1 lbs riblets
2 tbs sugar
1 tbs salt
3 tbs oyster sauce
3 tbs fried garlic
2 tbs fresh minced garlic
1 tsp fish sauce
1 tbs soysauce
Cut and trim the riblets. Brine with salt for about 2 minutes. Remove water. Add to pot with clean water and boil until all the meat changes color. Discard the dirty water and rinse the riblets with cool water. Place riblets in a small pot and add enough water to cover the meat or atleast 1inch from the bottom of the pot. Add in sugar, salt, oyster sauce, fresh garlic, fried garlic and fish sauce. Cover and simmer Medium heat for about 45mins-1hour or until tender. Do not open the pot, just shake it a little to shake up the ingredients. Open the pot and Add 1 tbs soysauce, leave it open until the water evaporates. -- You can leave it saucy or Add oil and fry it up until golden brown or however you like. Please flavor it to your liking.
Enjoy it as a snack or with rice!!